The following transparency report provides information about the current state of content and shows the plans for the next adjustments and enhancements.
Reporting period: 17.09.2021 – 28.12.2021
1. Foreword
Due to many external factors, has not received the necessary and planned content enhancements. This process must be resumed.
2. Extension of the content
Overall changes:
- The Privacy Options page has been updated.
2.1 German version
2.1.1 New content
The following new content has been added to the German language edition:
- Quad9 DNS Server
- DNSv4
- DNSv6
- Instructions for implementing DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS (reference to Stubby).
- Reference to additional DNS servers
- Cloudflare DNS Server
- DNSv4
- DNSv6
- Instructions for implementing DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS (reference to Stubby).
- Reference to additional DNS servers: for Family
- OpenDNS (Cisco)
- DNSv4
- DNSv6
- Instructions for implementing DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS (reference to Stubby).
- Reference to additional DNS servers: OpenDNS FamilyShield, OpenDNS Home VIP (€$), OpenDNS Umbrella Prosumer (€$)
- Comodo Secure DNS
- DNSv4
- DNSv6
- Instructions for implementing DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS (reference to Stubby).
2.1.2 Changed/Supplemented Contents
In the German language edition, the following contents have been changed or supplemented:
- Choose DNS
- Table was shortened because it will not be filled in nearer time.
- The entry for Quad9 was linked
- The entry for Cloudflare was linked
- The entry for OpenDNS (Cisco) was linked
- The entry for Comodo Secure DNS was linked
- Adguard was added to the list, the entry to it is added to the queue of content to be created.
- Comcast was added to the list, the entry for it will be added to the queue of content to be created.
- CleanBrowsing was added to the list, the entry for it will be added to the queue of content to be created.
2.1.3 Removed content
In the German language edition, the following content has been removed:
2.2 English version
2.2.1 New content
The following new content has been added to the English-language edition:
- The menu has been adapted from the German version.
- For Change DNS Server the English page was created. The content for this will be added to the queue of content to be created.
- For the FAQ the Englisch page was created. The content for this will be added to the queue of content to be created.
- Quad9 DNS Server
- DNSv4
- DNSv6
- Instructions for implementing DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS (reference to Stubby).
- Reference to additional DNS servers
- Cloudflare DNS Server
- DNSv4
- DNSv6
- Instructions for implementing DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS (reference to Stubby).
- Reference to additional DNS servers: for Family
- OpenDNS (Cisco)
- DNSv4
- DNSv6
- Instructions for implementing DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS (reference to Stubby).
- Reference to additional DNS servers: OpenDNS FamilyShield, OpenDNS Home VIP (€$), OpenDNS Umbrella Prosumer (€$)
- Comodo Secure DNS
- DNSv4
- DNSv6
- Instructions for implementing DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS (reference to Stubby).
2.2.2 Changed/Supplemented Contents
In the English-language edition, the following contents were changed or supplemented:
- Choose DNS
- Table was shortened because it will not be filled in nearer time.
- The entry for Quad9 was linked
- The entry for Cloudflare was linked
- The entry for OpenDNS (Cisco) was linked
- The entry for Comodo Secure DNS was linked
- Adguard was added to the list, the entry to it is added to the queue of content to be created.
- Comcast was added to the list, the entry for it will be added to the queue of content to be created.
- CleanBrowsing was added to the list, the entry for it will be added to the queue of content to be created.
3. Achieved goals
Since the last transparency report (publication date 17.09.2021), the following targets should be achieved:
Overall goals:
- Reached: A better cookie solution needs to be implemented. werden.
- Reached: A solution for displaying links to external websites was added to show users with which link they leave
3.1 German version
- Only partially achieved: All DNS servers under Select DNS server should be entered so that there is a real possibility to choose.
- Only 4 new DNS servers have been entered.
- Nicht Erreicht: The instructions for many of the devices entered under Change DNS server should be added accordingly. (at least 3 devices).
- No new instructions were added
3. New goals
The following targets are to be achieved until the next transparency report (publication date Jan. 31, 2021):
Overarching goals:
- All DNS servers under Select DNS server should be entered so that there is a real possibility to choose.
- Only 4 new DNS servers have been entered.
- The instructions for many of the devices entered under Change DNS server should be added accordingly. (at least 3 devices).
- No new instructions were added
3.1 Deutschsprachige Version
- All DNS servers under Select DNS server should be entered so that there is a real possibility to choose.
- Only 4 new DNS servers have been entered.
- The instructions for many of the devices entered under Change DNS server should be added accordingly. (at least 3 devices)
- No new instructions were added